Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The seeds are sprouting!

Lots of plants are germinating this week... I borrowed Molly's new digital camera for a tour through the greenhouses.  

Check out the peas sprouting in the Cathedral greenhouse:
These are Austrian Field Peas: we'll be harvesting the shoots, rather than the pods.  The leaves and tendrils are surprisingly flavorful, mixed into a salad. 

Here's Molly, in the little greenhouse.  We start all our seedlings in here; it's a small enough space that it doesn't take too much energy to keep it heated. 
You can see the lights above the seedling flats, and the heat mats below: it may be February outside, but as far as the seedlings can tell, it's a sunny day in June.

The first tiny tomato plants are bursting forth with promises of the tasty garden produce to come.

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